Vegan Diets:
Veganism is being followed by a large proportion of the population and there follows the need of a well-versed vegan diet for all the Vegan Fans out there.
Vegan Diets are very popular in the fat loss diets as they restrict consumption of Non-Vegetarian food for environmental,ethical and health reasons.
In this type of diet people neglect all kinds of meat,poultry fish,eggs and dairy products.Although some might add few dairy products like milk,cheese and eggs.
The most prominent diets restrict dairy products,honey,whey and casein.
↠Benefits of Vegan diets:
1.Aids faster weight loss:
Plant based diets aid weight loss because they tend to be rich in fiber which helps stay full for longer and are low in high calorie foods.
2.Reduces risk of Chronic Diseases:
It ensures low blood pressure and heart diseases.Chances of certain types of cancer and diabetes are also reduced/There is an increase in the no. of blood cells.
3.Improves kidney Function and reduces Arthritis Pain:
Following this diet will help you improve the working of your kidneys and help calm the arthritis pain in the body.
#According to research it was found that plant based diets help lose about 5.5 pounds(2.5 Kgs) more than animal product based diet.The 1151 participants involved in this study also showed increased metabolism.
✦Vegan diets also provide other alternatives which you can choose according to your preferences:
1.The Flexitarian Diet:
This is the most popular from amongst all the other vegan diets as it encourages most of the fruits,vegetables and whole grains.Not only that it allows you to include dairy products and eggs in moderation.
2. Ovo-Vegan Diet:
This is identical to the All-Vegan diet except it allows to increase eggs and egg-derived cuisines in your diet in certain moderate amounts.The consumption of milk,cheese,ice cream and butter is restricted.
3.Raw-Vegan diet:
It is a combination of vegan foods and raw foods. It directs us to eat the food raw or it should be heated at temperatures below 104–118°F (40–48°C).It is believed that eating the food raw which is mostly leafy vegetables help the body to get all the nutrients required without any supplementation.
↣Important things to know about this diet:
1.You should try to take care of the vitamins and minerals as vegan diet defers in these and there might be a deficiency of some chief vitamins.Consumption of multivitamin tablets can do the trick to fulfill your vitamin and mineral intake.2.Going vegan doesn't mean you cannot eat tasty foods,you can look for various alternatives of your favourite dishes and enjoy them.
3 Avoidance of food including artificial sweeteners,preservatives,stabilisers and plant-based desserts is necessary .
4 Intake of more water than the other diets because vegan diet contains many fibers which needs more water to process.
5.Refrain from liquid calories as a simple 600ml soda contains about 240cals and 15-18tbsp sugar.
The all-time favourite smoothies contain about 460 cals and freshly squeezed orange juice-279cals.
⇒A list of food items for you to consider when following vegan diet:
1.Grains:like bread,Cold cereal,Pasta,Tortillas and oatmeal.
2.Vegetables:Raw or boiled green leafy vegetables and vegetable juice should be a part of your diet.
3.Fruits:No sugar-added fruit juice,a whole fruit like an apple,orange or banana and cooked or canned fruit.
4.Milk:A cup a day of non-dairy milk.
5.Fats:Only 1 tbsp oil a day,1 tbsp butter,1/2 Avocado
6.Other Foods:Cooked dry beans,butter,tofu,soya burger,peanut butter and nuts

✦Few downfalls of this diet:
1.Deficit of various important nutrients:Iron,Vitamin B12,Vitamin D,Calcium,Zinc and Omega 3 fatty acid are generally nowhere to be found in Vegan Diets resulting in deficiency of these nutrients.2.Hair Loss and Hair-thinning:Lack of Vitamin D and some other nutrients may lead to hair loss and thinning of hair in some individuals.
3.Weight gain and loss cycle: Due to problems in sticking to a vegan diet sometimes people tend to eat more which leads to weight gain and loss cycle,i.e. you will lose and gain weight continuously.
✦Proper supplementation and proper following of the diet will help you overcome the downfalls and lead to healthy and speedy weight loss.
For more Diets and weight loss methods Don't forget to subscribe to FIT?YOU?SURE!!!.
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