Restricts your carb intake in favour of proteins and fats. It contains more protein as protein helps restrain your appetite, raise metabolism and conserves muscle mass.
The main aim of carbs in our diet is:
✦ Targeted Keto diet: During this method you can consume carbs around your physical training sessions.
3.No-Carb Diet:
It allows proteins, fats, fibers and zero carbs in your meals. It is not recommended for beginners as it is very difficult and may lead to hormonal imbalances.
This method basically uses fatty acids rather than Carbs for energy by converting them into ketones, a process called Ketosis which initiates weight loss.
The main aim of carbs in our diet is:
☆ Maintenance:
100-150 Grams of carbs per day are necessary for maintaining our weight.
☆ Slow and steady weight loss:
50-100 grams of carbs per day for losing weight slowly.
☆ Faster weight loss:
Less than 50 grams of carbs a day helps reduce weight very fast.
Less than 50 grams of carbs a day helps reduce weight very fast.
★It has various benefits:
1. Aids faster weight loss:
Helps burn harmful belly fat and reduce waist circumference.
2. Increases good HDL cholesterol and lowers Blood pressure:
Following this diet helps you increase good hdl levels which prevents other cholesterol in the system and leads to lower risk of heart diseases.Blood pressures is also reduced.
3. Reduction in blood Triglycerides:
They are the fat molecules in our blood stream which are a factor of increasing heart diseases and they are reduced when taking low carbs.
4.Therapeutic Benefits for resolving brain disorders:
Ketogenic Diet is being used for treating epilepsy in children for many years and has been shown to reduce spasms and many studies are also being performed to try and help in Alzheimer and Parkinson's disease.
Its of various types:
1. Ketogenic Diet:
This is one of the most famous and widely used types of diet. It restricts carbs to 20-50 gram per day. It is best for people who are accustomed to following diets. Its o 4 types:
✦ Standard ketogenic diet: Its a diet which includes minimal carbs, High fat and adequate amount of protein.
✦ Cyclical keto diet: When following this type of keto diet you eat 5 days of keto foods and 2 days of High-Carb foods in a week.

✦ High protein Keto Diet: As the name suggests this includes meals which are typically higher in protein.
2. LCHF (Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet):
Also known as Banting diet, is low in carbs, moderate in protein and high in fat. It emphasizes eating unprocessed foods and abolishes processed and packaged foods. Best for Beginners.
3.No-Carb Diet:
It allows proteins, fats, fibers and zero carbs in your meals. It is not recommended for beginners as it is very difficult and may lead to hormonal imbalances.
4.Low-Fat Diet: It asks you to eat as less fats as possible and more protein and moderate carbs.
✧According to studies a person loses 6-9 pounds(2-4 Kgs) in a span of 2 weeks during the low-carb diet if done effectively.
1. Water is the most important in this diet as it process the food and transports nutrition in your body. Make sure to have plenty of water when following this diet.
2. It is important for the body to perform Ketosis in order to lose weight and choosing the Keto diet will help you reach Ketosis faster.
3.Proteins and Carbs contribute to about 4 calories per gram and fat contributes about 9 gram per gram so it is better to eat more protein items than fats and keeping the calories in check.
★ Here's a Sample Diet for you:
1. Seafood:
Fishes like Tuna, Salmon, Shellfish as they are a great source of high-quality proteins, vitamin D and essential fatty acids like omega-3.
2. Vegetables :
Broccoli, Zucchini, Spinach, Cauliflower, mushrooms etc.
3. Salads:
You can make a high protein very low carb salads by adding vegetables, cucumbers and grilled chicken for taste.4. Cheese:
Its best to add in your diet as 28 grams of it consists only 1 gram of carbs and 7 grams of protein.
5. Mayonnaise:
Its a great spread to add in your diet as it contains mostly fats and minimal carbs and little protein.
6. Fresh meat and Poultry:
Chicken (Roasted or Grilled), Fish(including large amount of fats like Salmon), Eggs, Olive oil7. Liquids:
Plain coffee and tea is recommended for suppressing hunger and keeping the calories lesser than consuming high calories drinks like smoothies.
⍟Foods to avoid:
1. Processed foods:
Items like soya milk, tofu and all soya products in general are no friends of your health and may affect your hormone levels and also they have large amounts of phytates, which prevent proper absorption of nutrients.
Are complex carbohydrates that contain high amounts of potassium and although its healthy, in low-carb diets they don't fit right.
3.Cashews, Chestnuts and Pistachios:
Nuts in general are good during weight loss but the above mentioned nuts should be avoided at all costs as they contain much more carbs than you need during this diet.
4.Starchy Vegetables:
Like Potatoes, Sweet potatoes and Corn are a no-no as they simply contain too many carbs which don't exactly meet your fitness goals.
5. Energy Bars:
Stay away from Protein or energy Bars which are highly processed and contain too many artificial sweeteners and addictives. Try and lookout for bars which are healthier and contain less addictives and sugars.
6.Grapes, Mangoes, Papayas, Pineapples:
And other tropical fruits are way too sugary and upset your diet order. Also instead of red apples go for green apples as they are less sugary.
7. Smoothies and Dates:
A big fat NO!!! For those tasty and way too sugary smoothies you keep drinking everytime you go out. Dates although are good and high in fibers but they are a little too sweet and contain more carbs for the low carb diet.
✦Downfalls of this Diet:
1. It is very useful and effective in the short term and gives fast results but it is definitely not for long term and you should avoid following it for more than 6 months or a year.
2. It may lead to higher cholesterol but for it has also been shown that it reduces bad cholesterol. The higher intake of protein leads to more strain on your kindeys and may lead to kidney related diseases if followed for a longer time.
If you follow this diet for a smaller time span and drink more water and take proper nutrition, this diet is totally safe and helps lose weight faster.
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