Weight Gain

Many people think that it is easier to gain weight than lose which is a myth as there isn't much difference because both the weight loss and gain individuals have to follow a proper diet and workout procedure to fulfill their respective goals.
✷The BMI for underweight individuals is lesser than 18.5 and the BMI of a healthy individual is 19 to 25.
✪ There could be many reasons if you are skinny or underweight:
1. Family history
2.High metabolism
3.Mental Illnesses or Stress
5.Physical illness or Chronic disease.
➣ In most cases with proper guidance and nutrition all you need is a little motivation and boom there's that summer body you had been wishing for.
On an average a person can gain 0.5 kg lean muscle per week although people often tend to gain more in the starting weeks.
✦ Risks of being under-weight:
1.Decreased Immunity:
It is a Bone disease which causes the bones to weaken and more prone to fractures. In some serious cases bones can break even from minor bumps or sneezing.
3.Fertility issues:
Low weight females might have Irregular menstrual cycles and hormonal imbalances leading to less fertility and mood swings.
Is the deficiency of healthy blood cells in your body which makes you tired and weak faster than normal. And can worsen if not taken care of.
Is a condition in which the individual is not consuming enough nutrients or is consuming too much of a single nutrient which leads to anemia and malabsorption.
6.Hindrance in growth:
Especially in teenagers and small children due to deficiency of many nutrients and minerals development of brain and body doesn't occur at normal rate and is slower than required.
★ Food items to add in your diet:
1 cup of white rice contains about 200 calories and 29 carbs,so it is a good idea to add rice in your diet.
2.Dried Fruits:
Are nutrient dense and is a good way to add more calories to your diet but it should be kept in mind that they are high in sugar too and should be consumed as sides with a healthy fat or protein meal.
It is a great source of proteins and a 250 ml glass of cow-milk helps add about 150 calories to your diet.
They are high in fat, proteins and energy making them the best meal food for your diet. Eating meats like chicken can help you increase a lot of healthy calories in your diet.
5.Protein Shakes:
Add homemade protein shakes to your diet. They fill you up real nice and the protein helps you
6.Peanut butter:
Peanut butter is a great source of energy and protein and it is really tasty too!!! You can have it with flour tortillas, bread or basically anything you want to. Peanut butter is the main source of protein in many shakes and smoothies. 100 gram of peanut butter contains around 550 calories and about 49 grams of fats and 28 grams of protein.
7.Fats and oils:
Add a little more oil in your diet and consume more fats but also keep it in balance as too much of fats would lead to unhealthy weight gain and we don't want that do we?
Try to have eggs for your breakfast as they are a great combination of proteins, vitamins and minerals. There are so many ways to eat an egg; you could boil it, make an omelette, have it raw its all upto you. 1 large 50 gram egg contains 77 calories and about 8 gram protein.
✫ Important tips :
1. Avoid water before meals because it suppresses your hunger and makes you eat less.
2. Try to spread your nutrition or your calorie intake into 5 meals a day.
3. Do not have more than 3 eggs a day as excessive consumption of eggs may lead to higher cholesterol and unhealthy weight gain.
4. Drink milk 2 times a day and avoid high sugar mixes like bourn vita and boost.
5. Add cream to your coffee if you are a coffee lover although do not drink more than 2-3 cups as too much caffeine in the body makes you sleep less and proper rest is necessary for muscle gain and recovery.
6. Go for homemade high protein shakes rather than gainers in the beginning. You can shift to gainers later.
7. Make sure you drink enough water.
⍟Benefits of being healthy or fit and not over or under-weight
1. Reduces heart risk.
2. Better Weight Management.
3. Stronger bones,muscles and joints.
4. Lower risk of osteoporosis.
5. Prevents type 2 Diabetes and lowers blood pressure.
6. Improves digestion and reduces stress, depression and anxiety.
7. Enhances mental performance and work productivity.
8. Reduces Dementia and Alzheimer's risk.
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